Vice President Of Sales At OneSource IML
David Grislis is many things– a family man, a hockey fan and coach, and a working professional.
David Grislis is married and has two children, seven year old twins. He has passed on his deep love of the sport of hockey to his youngsters, and when he is not playing himself, he is serving as their coach. A native of Ontario, David Grislis has long enjoyed hockey. He currently plays in a men’s league at URI’s boss arena, and is an avid supporter of the Boston Bruins. Because they are a hockey family, a running joke between them is that hockey serves as FFF, or Forced Family Fun. But it’s all in good cheer– Davidloves how hockey not only keeps one in great physical shape, but also for how it fosters a healthy sense of competition.
Another major aspect in David Grislis’s life is his involvement in the foster care system. For him, it is a way to give back to the community by providing what so many of us take for granted– a home and a loving family that offers much needed support throughout childhood. David Grislis has been caring for a foster child for about one and a half years now, and describes it as a rewarding experience.