
Motivational Missteps to Avoid

Motivational Missteps to Avoid

Regardless of the industry, leaders within companies should make creating a recognition-rich environment a priority for their employees. Recognizing the hard work and dedication of their team members can have overwhelmingly positive effects on the atmosphere and...

The In’s and Out’s of the Oil Industry

The In’s and Out’s of the Oil Industry

When it comes to dollar value, the oil and gas industry is considered the largest sector in the world. In specific regions where major National Oil Companies (NOC) are situated, oil and gas companies often significantly contribute to national Gross Domestic Product...

Advice for Starting Out in the Business World

Advice for Starting Out in the Business World

Starting out in business is a huge step and can be stressful for anyone. It’s fast-paced and there’s so much you don’t learn in classes. If you want to succeed in the business world, it’s important to take time to learn about the nuances in the industry. Read all the...

The Best Ways to Climb the Corporate Ladder

The Best Ways to Climb the Corporate Ladder

  Once people start their career, they usually have aspirations to move to a higher position. Whether they have this desire because of a need for success, a larger paycheck, or a job they feel passionate about, few people are happy staying in an entry-level...

All About Oil

All About Oil

      For most of the world, oil is a necessary part of life. The United States imports much of its oil and the majority of it is converted into other products for people to use, such as gas or heating oil. On average, the U.S. consumes about 19.4...