This post is originally from Oil & Gas Journal. 08/13/2014 Rachael Seeley, Editor For Mexico, constitutional reform was just the first step in the long process of opening up its energy industry to outside investment. Secondary laws must now be passed, and...
This post is originally from Oil & Gas Journal. HOUSTON, June 16 06/16/2016 ByTayvis Dunnahoe OGJ Exploration Editor Morocco’s Office National des Hydrocarbures et des Mines (ONHYM) has awarded Chariot Oil & Gas Investments (Morocco) Ltd., a wholly owned...
This post is originally from Oil & Gas Journal. WASHINGTON, DC, June 9 06/09/2016 By Nick Snow OGJ Washington Editor Continuing lower crude oil and natural gas prices could make many Middle Eastern and Central Asian producing countries’ governments...
Things Made From Oil (That Aren't Gasoline) from David...
As previously discussed, I work in the oil industry particularly focusing on the area surrounding DuPont and DuPont’s flame-retardant material, Nomex. But just a few months back in December, DuPont merged with Dow Chemical Company, another of the oldest chemical...